If you feel trapped in your debt this class is for you. As you proceed through the classes offered at Debt Elimination University you will discover a sound strategy for living debt free. It is time for us as Americans to refuse to live paycheck to paycheck, continually increasing our debt. What we need are savings, margin and true financial freedom.
Prior to the first class you are assigned a debt coach. The first three weeks of our five-week program concentrate on the mechanics. The first class focuses on the need to get seed in the ground. You will never get out of debt if you do not make saving a priority. This class provides different techniques and strategies to create a velocity of money allowing you to save without affecting your standard of living. In the second class, students are taught budgeting, costs, taxes, living expenses, and the cost of their debts and the effect on their lifestyle. Each student is required to determine all their debts and the four aspects of each. In the third-class students bring together their savings and their debts to discover a banking principle to eliminate their debts while creating savings.
In weeks four and five students learn how negative emotions are affecting their economy. Once money works for you and you are no longer controlled by money you are free to live abundantly. Our program is transformative combining financial with banking principles and emotional considerations that provide not only a way to eliminate our debts but also allow you to think about your life differently. You will experience transformation in a way you never imagined, letting go of past ways and committing to a plan that includes zero debt and abundant savings.
Kindle and Paperback available.
Our book and online classes will start you on a road to transformation.