In Week One You Will Learn the Importance of Savings.
During this class, you will put your financial future first! How much do you save? Do you save consistently? Even if you save, do you find your savings dissipating faster than they accumulate? If so, you are not alone. The average American will save 3% of their earnings, 3%, that is depressing! People are working longer and retiring later.
The Goal for Week One is to Commit to Saving a Specific Dollar Amount.
You will meet with your debt coach and discuss a monthly dollar amount you can commit to saving each month. In the first class, you will learn about the importance of consistently saving. Until you get seed in the ground, you can’t grow an abundant harvest. Many of the self-help debt reduction programs require motivation and discipline. They share ideas about budgeting, spending, and forced suffering to achieve debt reduction. Some say that doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result is insanity. These programs fall short of providing financial transformation. For many of us, money is not being properly allocated. A simple adjustment will make a big difference over time.


In Week Two We Focus on Budgeting and Your Debt Picture.

In this session, we explore how you are spending your money. The average American spends up to 30% of every dollar earned on paying their debts. As much as 40% is paid for taxes, whether income tax or one of a hundred other taxes. During this class, you will learn how to think differently about your money. This class focuses on the percentage you spend on your debts, taxes, savings, and lifestyle. You will learn about the four components of debt. We will discuss debt versus living expenses. You will learn how to identify and list all your debt’s and their four components.
Our Goal for Class Two is to Know Thy "Financial" Self and List out all Debts Identifying the Components.

Together with your debt coach, you will complete a Debt Worksheet. First, you will be required to calculate your gross income as a percentage of your net income, identifying where the money went. Next, organize your monthly expenses into debt and lifestyle expenses and determine the percentage of your net income to each. Finally, you will list each one of your debts and the four components of each.


In Week Three We Learn How Borrowing From Savings Eliminates Your Debts.

We show you how to use your savings and formulate a plan to eliminate all debts. All the debts you identified in week two, including your mortgage, will be eliminated and in most cases in 9 years or less. The plan uses your seed money as a banking concept, allowing you to borrow from yourself. Your debts are eliminated efficiently and effectively while your savings continue to grow.
The Goal In Step Three is to Open your Bank so You can Begin to Eliminate Your Debts.

This is a difficult week and students will have an extra week to digest the “fire hose” of information and concepts they receive. You are given extra time with your debt coach to work on starting your bank and working on your own personalized debt elimination plan. Your debt coach is with you to explain how the banking concept will work to your unique set of circumstances.


In Week Four We Study Letting Go of Your Past and Living with Love, Forgiveness and Integrity.

Many people have regrets, this is true especially when it comes to finances. Many times regrets lead to self-destructive behaviors, bad decision making and other negative factors. In week four we will explorer areas where you may be holding on to losses, frustrations, poor advice, someone taking advantage of you, or other emotional wounds from the past that may be keeping you from living an abundant life.

Class four also focuses on living in love, forgiveness and integrity. Anger, hatred, bitterness and other negative emotions are experienced by all of us. People in our society are encouraged to hold a grudge, seek revenge, or harbor ill will. Love is needed, we cannot live without love; yet people are more exposed to hate. For a healthy and abundant life, we MUST live a life of love. At DEU we move, touch and inspire you to let go of hate and learn to live in love.

Forgiveness is the hardest thing to give away and the last thing you want to do because it always goes to those who do not deserve it. Forgiveness is not highly favored in our society. Forgiveness is hard for each one of us when we are treated unfairly, or unjustly. The natural human feeling is to withhold forgiveness and punish the violator. However, the TRUTH is that if you forgive, it will clear the bitterness away and free you to live an abundant life. Forgiveness is ultimately “letting go of the need to change the past.”

Integrity is doing the right thing, at the right time when no one is watching. In today’s world integrity is of second importance next to the requirements of performance and expectations placed upon us by society. People are less likely to worry about things like character, truth and doing the right thing. At DEU we teach that integrity is the cornerstone of living a powerful life. Each time we fail to live up to our word we lose power.
The Goal for Week Four is to Inventory Our Emotions.

Students are required to make a list of all past regrets and have a plan for going forward leaving the past behind, “So Long Self.” Discover ways to love when you want to hate. List out areas of unforgiveness and a plan to forgive. Recognize barriers that prevent forgiveness. Teach, and model the power of living in integrity.


In Week Five We Study Hope Changes Everything and Generosity is a Lifestyle.

In your current situation can you imagine your life without debt and having plenty of savings available to you whenever you need it. At DEU we invite you to dream. Having hope creates a vision for a positive future.

No matter how much you earn, there are always ways to give. Kenneth H. Blanchard and S. Truett Cathy co-author, The Generosity Factor, which provides a simple approach to giving and how it leads to significance in our lives. The book teaches the four T's: touch, time, talent, and treasure. We all have ways we can give to others; treasure is but one factor. The generosity factor suggests we live with heart.
He (God) owns it all.

Every day is an opportunity to give.

Action is required.

Remember your blessings.

Thank Him for everything He has provided.

Living with a generous HEART clears the way to living your life in abundance.

The Goal of Step Five is to Live a Transformed Life Free of Debt and with an Abundance of Savings.

Visualize your life transforming and powerfully influencing others, living generously and having a life of significance.
Debt B Gone Book By Timothy and Patricia Ash
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